Implementing the GB2312 Encoding (Simplified Chinese)

Summer of Code Project Ideas

Implementing the GB2312 Encoding (Simplified Chinese)


This idea involves file encodings. File encodings on Perl 6 are decoded and encoded in MoarVM.

This encoding is the most commonly used one which we do not yet have the ability to encode or decode. Implementing this does not involve knowing how to read or write simplified chinese, and is focused on implementing the standard into our codebase.

Expected outcomes

MoarVM should be able to decode and encode GB2313 algorithm by the end of the project.

Required skills

Most of the work will be in C, whoever takes on the project should know C. Knowing Perl or Perl 6 is not needed.



Possible mentors

Samantha McVey (samcv) is able to be a mentor for this project. Can be reached at or on Freenode as samcv.